Monday, January 25, 2010

PI Hearts "The Uniform Project"

Last night I came across Sheena Matheiken's site "The Uniform Project", which she calls "an exercise in sustainable fashion."

The concept is simple, Sheena wears the same dress every day (her friend designed and created seven identical dresses for each day of the week), yet creates a totally unique and fashionable took every day using simple accessories or other items of clothing - most having been upcycled, recycled or created sustainably... the best part it that it is all for a good cause.

I have to admit I'm jealous of her incredible style, and it is really inspiring to see how many looks you can create from a single article of clothing. This is definitely a must-read for Primark addicts (including myself unfortunately).

Sheena has already raised $53,012 for Akanksha Foundation, a grassroots movement that is revolutionizing education in India. Which is also very touching, considering that many of the throwaway fashions we are guilty of wearing are created in India. You can donate money to the cause, or if you're a bit skint or jobless like me, you can also simply donate accessories or items of clothing. When the project ends this coming May, they plan on selling versions of their incredibly versatile dress with all proceeds going to charity.

Here's Sheena herself talking about the project when it was only 3 weeks old:

What an incredible, inspirational, yay idea.

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