Ah yes, the cold snap that for a brief while, turned this green isle white, and turned all civic amenities upside-down. (Salt for the roads? You mean we should have the stuff stockpiled? Surely not!) Despite people breaking their wrists on icy pavement and cars sliding into each other in the slush, some of us were able to enjoy this fluffy occurence.
Figure 1: Putty tat is curious about strange white fluff.
(please disregard our embarrassing bin buildup)
Figure 2: Posh snowman in the yard (he's posh cuz his nose is a champagne cork)
It seems Dublin is back to normal, and perhaps that means that warmer weather is soon to follow. In fact, looking closely at my sad brown clematis I found a little green sprig of hope. It also appears that leaving sweet pea seeds out in the dirty snow sometimes brings a lil surprise.
Here's hoping that I can use this as a small metaphor that the rest of the world, although going through horrible shit, will come out and blossom as soon as this long season is over.
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